Description of the Hustwit Nesting Boxes , a $1500.00 magical effect. Printed copy N/A.

brass boxes sold out.

Bob Hustwit's Magic Lecture Notes: $11.95 plus $2.50 S&H

	ONE-MAN Portable Backdrop/Portable Wings.
	Lighting System for the One-Man-Show
	Sound System  for the One-Man-Show
	How To Do Your Own Artwork for Posters, Brochures, etc.
	The one-page Key to a successful magic show
	Emergency Kit description
	Bob Hustwit's Phone Number Prediction
	The Psychic Connection Explained

Written in 1977, the printed version has complete illustrations, diagrams and information on making your own portable, lightweight backdrops, assembling your own sound and lighting systems, tips on getting the most out of your equipment, and explanations of two killer effects, each one worth more than the $11.95 printed price. (add $2.50 shipping and handling).
PLEASE NOTE: ALL REFERENCES TO "WHERE TO BUY" IN THE LECTURE NOTES ARE THE ORIGINAL 1977 REFERENCES. ALL PRICES ARE THE ORIGINAL 1977 PRICES. This price information is no longer reliable. It's interesting, but not reliable. For example, the foamboard used to make backdrops now costs around $30-$40 dollars a sheet, not the $10.00 a sheet listed in the lecture notes.
-- Limited downloading available. NOTE THAT THE DOWNLOADABLE FILE CONTAINS No magic tricks, and no illustrations.

When you buy the 1977 Lecture Notes, you will be entitled to receive the 1996 revised version, when/if I revise it, for $6.50, which includes shipping and handling. The new version will sell for $19.95.


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